Dear Abby

Dear Abby

The Archive

Dear Abby: Why are women on dating apps obsessed with their dogs?

Dear Abby weighs in on young women's obsessions with their dogs, a woman grieving the loss of her husband and the use of disposable towels in the powder room.

Dear Abby: My mother-in-law gifts me literal trash, how do I tell her I don't want it

Dear Abby weighs in on a mother-in-law who gives second hand and often broken gifts and a friendship brought to an end by a jealous wife.

Dear Abby shares her favorite dessert recipe

Dear Abby shares her favorite brownie recipe and weighs in on what to do when someone supports a candidate you do not support.

Dear Abby: My daughter-in-law is literally the worst, how do we get rid of her?

Dear Abby weighs in on a toxic daughter-in-law and a widow who plans to continue traveling with her couple friends.

Dear Abby: I've called my situationship 100 times with no answer — should I give up?

Dear Abby weighs in on a man who took it too far with his situationship and a caregiver who has reached her limits.

Dear Abby: I'm removing my daughter from my will because of her recently-incarcerated boyfriend

Dear Abby weighs in on a father removing his daughter from his will because of her boyfriend and a separated couple forced to live together.

Dear Abby: My husband wants me to 'forget' his 20-year-long affair

Dear Abby weighs in on a woman whose husband has been having an affair for 20 years and a couple trying to grieve their miscarries.

Dear Abby: My dad told me I'm the reason my parents are getting divorced

Dear Abby weighs in on a young girl grappling with her parents' divorce and a relationship that feels like it's fizzling out.

Dear Abby: I have a serious issue with my husband's friend but he won't stand up for me

Dear Abby weighs in on a woman whose allergies are interfering with a house guest and a daughter who has ostracized her mother after becoming a mother herself.

Dear Abby: My husband told me to find a sex buddy to fulfill my needs

Dear Abby weighs in on a couple struggling to find intimacy and co-workers who have struck up a romantic relationship.

Dear Abby: My granddaughter buys me gifts I don't need but I don't know how to say no

Dear Abby weighs in on a grandmother who has a granddaughter who loves electronic gadgets and gifts some of the ones she buys to her.

Dear Abby: My millionaire son is ruining family dinners by shaming me for how much I tip

Dear Abby advises a father whose millionaire son gives him grief for not tipping the proper amount when taking the family out to eat.

Dear Abby: I still haven't found my dream husband — is it too late to try dating apps?

Dear Abby advises a woman in her 40s who is having trouble finding a husband and is wondering if she should try out dating apps or even look out of...

Dear Abby: I love my boyfriend's family, except his rapist brother

Dear Abby weighs in on a woman whose boyfriend's brother is about to be released from jail and a woman whose stepdaughter purposefully excluded her from a concert.

Dear Abby: My cheating wife stole $50K from me and attacked me when I tried to leave her

Dear Abby weighs in on a wife whose put her and her husband in immense debt and a son who never healed from his parents' divorce.

Dear Abby: I spent a decade faithful to my wife just to find she has affairs

Dear Abby weighs in on a husband finding out his wife is having an affair after eight years of marriage and a man looking to rekindle with his family.

Dear Abby: I fell in love with my boss and had to leave my job

Dear Abby weighs in on a young woman who fell in love with her boss and a son who got his girlfriend pregnant.

Dear Abby: My husband is ungrateful and his behavior makes me concerned

Dear Abby weighs in on a woman who feels ungrateful for the lack of respect her husband shows her along with his behavior, drawing concern for his mental health.

Dear Abby: My father has dementia and caring for him is a burden

Dear Abby weighs in on a family member who doesn't know how to help care for their father who is suffering from dementia, along with one sister and one mother...

Dear Abby: I have a secret apartment my husband doesn't know about

Dear Abby weighs in on a woman who is secretly renting an apartment to avoid her husband and a significant other who loves to play video games.