Fashion & Beauty

Former Miss USA Noelia Voigt’s pal claims pageant didn’t support her after a driver made ‘inappropriate advances’

Former Miss USA Noelia Voigt, who gave up the title last week to prioritize her mental health, was reportedly subject to “inappropriate advances” by a driver.

The Independent reported that the beauty pageant winner was traveling in the backseat of a car during a Christmas parade in Sarasota, Florida, when her driver, described as an older man, allegedly made uncomfortable comments suggesting he wanted a relationship with Voigt, 24.

“He was saying, how he was older and he had money, that kind of thing,” claimed Claudia Michelle, a friend of Voigt who recently resigned as the Miss USA organization’s social media manager due to “bullying” and “toxicity.”

“She literally couldn’t escape it,” she alleged. “What was she going to do, step out of the car and walk away in the middle of the parade? She was stuck.”

The former Miss USA titleholder was allegedly subject to “inappropriate advances” by a driver. JASON BEAN / USA TODAY NETWORK
“She literally couldn’t escape it,” Michelle alleged. REUTERS

Michelle, who, unlike Voigt, is not bound by a non-disclosure agreement, made allegations about the security’s inadequacies, which she claimed were due to a lack of funds necessary for Miss USA president Laylah Rose to run the organization.

Voigt, who was supposed to be “booked and busy” during her reign, “should have been traveling with a bodyguard, with a handler, at all times,” she claimed.

“The role of the handler in the pageant world is to almost be like a bodyguard in the sense where they’re the eyes, ears and voice for Noelia – to kind of speak up,” Michelle claimed.

“It would have been in that handler’s best interest to speak up and say something, you know, ‘that’s not appropriate, that’s not okay,’ right then and there, and squash it out.”

Voigt stepped down from her title of Miss USA this month. Instagram
Michelle, a close friend of Voigt’s and the organization’s former social media manager, claimed the former titleholder should have had beefed up security during her public appearances as Miss USA. Getty Images

Where Miss USA titleholders are usually treated as “celebrities,” Voigt, instead, was staying at her boyfriend’s college housing in Alabama or with her family in Florida, Michelle claimed.

“I’ve seen state pageants run better than the way Miss USA was being handled and run under the current direction,” Michelle alleged.

An inside source previously told The Post that both the handler and Rose had ignored Voigt’s allegations of harassment after the holiday parade.

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“Laylah said, ‘Well you’re going to have to get used to that because you’re in a public role now,’” the source claimed.

The Post has reached out to the Miss USA organization for comment.

Voigt’s decision to relinquish the crown to focus on her mental well-being comes amid a flurry of resignations within the organization that, sources previously claimed to The Post, are due to a “toxic” environment.

Both Miss Teen USA and Miss USA titleholders stepped down this month. Getty Images for Supermodels Unlimited

Miss Teen USA winner UmaSofia Srivastava, 17, also stepped down after saying her personal values “no longer fully align with the direction of the organization.” The crown’s runner-up, Miss Teen New York Stephanie Skinner, 19, also declined the title.

Insiders previously told The Post that the decision to give up the crown “was not easy” for Voigt nor Srivastava, who allegedly “decided to do this together.”

“They are afraid of speaking out more at this time because of the organization,” the anonymous insider told The Post. “They don’t want this to have any lasting harmful effect on their futures.”

Srivastava’s mother, Barbara, told The Independent that she believes both her daughter and Voigt experienced “mental abuse” at the hands of Rose, allegedly “tormented” and “threatened” them.

Rose replaced the organization’s former president Crystle Stewart last year but is now being urged to step down by Michelle and the mothers of the former titleholders.