How Giants rookie Theo Johnson’s journey is inspired by the mother who saved their family from a violent home: ‘She chose life for all of us’

During the good times, Theo Johnson and his five brothers laughed as their mother evenly divided up the candies in a $1 box of “Mike and Ike” for dessert.

It might not sound like much of a treat, but it was a sign the six pre-teen boys were happy, fed and safe — a significant improvement over their earlier years spent huddled in a bedroom, fearing the noises of domestic violence that routinely filled their childhood home in Canada.

What they couldn’t hear on one particularly violent night in January 2009 were the chilling words their father, Nate, a former NFL player, whispered into their mother’s ear — setting in motion the many decisions Amy Johnson made to change the course of seven lives.

“Very calmly he said, ‘I’m going to stab you with a steak knife 65 times, and your little baby boy is going to come to the door and step in your blood and find your body and … your children will have no one,’” Amy told The Post. “It was that moment where I was like, ‘I can’t wait to leave anymore. There will be no perfect time.’”