Weird But True

I got busted after my identical twin took my place at work — here’s the mistake that got us caught

Management caught wise to their sister act.

An influencer found herself in hot water after she purportedly had her twin trade places with her at work so she could go on vacation.

“My boss saw the video my twin posted while covering for me at work,” Canadian twin-fluencer Ari Chance wrote in the caption of a TikTok video with thousands of views.

“Your decision to enlist your twin sister as a substitute while you gallivant off on vacation after your leave request was denied is completely unacceptable,” fumed the boss in the alleged email. TikTok / @chance_twins
Ari and Noe Chance frequently post videos on the trials and tribulations of having a twin. Instagram / @chance_twins

She and her twin sister Noe frequently upload videos detailing what it’s like to have a familial doppelganger to their over 800,000 followers on TikTok. Their unique experiences include having significant others mistake them for their sister, and getting to be in two places at once.

For their latest stunt, Ari enlisted her sibling lookalike to take her place at her unspecified gig one day so she allegedly could go on vacation after her leave request was denied.

Unfortunately, Ari’s boss reportedly caught wise to the “Parent Trap”-evoking switcheroo after Noe reportedly posted a video detailing the scam while on the job, per the clip.

Accompanying footage showed the angry email the manager reportedly sent in response to her dupe-lication attempt.

“Let me be clear: your decision to enlist your twin sister as a substitute while you gallivant off on vacation after your leave request was denied is completely unacceptable,” fumed the irate honcho, referred to as “John” in the message. “It’s a slap in the face to both your colleagues who abide by the rules and the company that entrusts you with responsibilities.”

“My boss saw the video my twin posted while covering for me at work,” explained Ari Chance in the caption. TikTok / @chance_twins

He added, “Your actions not only reflect poorly on yourself but also tarnish the reputation of our company. This level of disregard for protocol and decorum is frankly shocking and will not be tolerated.”

As penance for the attempted deception, John demanded that Ari apologize, offer an “immediate explanation” of her behavior and present a “plan of action” to rectify the situation.

He added that any “further instances of misconduct will result in serious consequences, including potential disciplinary action.”

“I expect to hear from you promptly to discuss how we can address this egregious breach of trust and professionalism,” John concluded, before signing off with “disappointed regards.”

Needless to say, the TikTok commentariat was bemused by Ari’s alleged failed attempt to have her twin pinch-hit for her at the job.

“That’s craaazyy,” said one viewer, while another wrote, “Disappointed regards is my new favorite signature.”

“He has way too much emotion in that email,” said a third.

However, some wondered about the veracity of the incident. “That clearly isn’t a real email,” declared one skeptic.