Andy Ngo

About the Author

Andy Ngo, an independent journalist, photographer and author, is an editor-at-large for The Post Millennial.

The Archive

Mike Schmidt destroyed Portland and the left is willing to re-elect him

Mike Schmidt, the leftist prosecutor in Portland, Ore., is asking voters to give him the opportunity to serve four more years as head of the Multnomah County District Attorney’s Office.

Don't buy the left's gaslighting — 'outside agitators' aren't behind campus antisemitism

Occupations have spread to dozens of higher-educational institutions across North America, becoming violent — and more organized. In response to the bad PR, left-wing politicians are gaslighting us.

Who funds Antifa protests? We all do —as militants weaponize the legal system

Through a developed network of radical leftist legal groups, like the National Lawyers Guild, lawfare against cities and police departments is the go-to method for payloads.

Spoiled children of privilege trying to burn Atlanta down

Many of the terrorist suspects arrested and charged over occupying government property and the violent attack in downtown Atlanta on Saturday are children of pampered privilege from out of state.

Arson attack destroys 117-year-old church in latest symbol of Portland mayhem

Cameron David Storer, a 27-year-old trans woman also known as “Nicolette Fait,” is charged with two counts of first-degree arson, one count of second-degree arson, and two counts of second-degree...

Twitter workers freaking out over Elon Musk in internal Slack messages

Leaked internal communications by Twitter employees reveal woke employees are overtaken by despair and anger about Elon Musk's month-long effort to acquire Twitter.

Antifa punk rocker ID'd as suspect in Canada trucker protest hit-and-run

David Alexander Zegarac of Headingley, Manitoba, allegedly sped off in his car to try and escape after the incident last Friday, which injured four people and was caught on camera.

Antifa almost killed me — but I won’t stop reporting their dangerous deeds

Andy Ngo had a bounty on his head and the threats increased throughout the year as he systematically documented who was arrested and charged at every riot. 

Antifa thugs win again as Dartmouth cancels my event on far-left violence

Soon after Andy Ngo's event was announced at Dartmouth College, Antifa and its army of online trolls threatened violence to shut it down.

Antifa member charged with shooting anti-vax protester

Benjamin Anthony Varela, 36, of Olympia, was arrested on Thursday and charged with first-degree assault while armed with a deadly weapon.

Wi Spa suspect still at large — has history of indecent exposure and masturbation

The person charged with indecent exposure at the Wi Spa in Los Angeles is still at large, as sordid new details of their criminal record have emerged.

Sex offending suspect claims transgender harassment in notorious Wi Spa case

Darren Agee Merager, who spoke exclusively The Post, denies the allegations and says that she is actually the victim of transphobic harassment.

Prosecutors finally crack down on Antifa rioters in Portland

More than two dozen suspected Antifa rioters have been charged in Portland in the past two weeks.

How a Portland radical murdered a Trump supporter — and became a hero for Antifa

From the new book "Unmasked": The story of a Portland radical who murdered a Trump supporter — and became a hero for Antifa.

Biden won't stop them, and neither will cops, until Portland is burned down

The nation’s capital was hard to recognize on Inauguration Day this year. In response to the Capitol Hill siege on Jan. 6, thousands of police and National Guard troops were...

Rage at Capitol assault makes excuses for summer riots all the more disgraceful

Wednesday’s mob assault on Capitol Hill was shocking and brazen: Hundreds of MAGA-hat-wearing rioters broke into the seat of American democracy. They stormed the halls, looting property and assaulting law...

Portland lets Antifa win big — again

Last week, Portland law ­enforcers raided a house that had for months been ­illegally occupied by trespassers affiliated with Black Lives Matter and Antifa. At the barricaded property, officers made...

The anti-cop hypocrisy of Portland's pols

This week brought news that Portland City Commissioner (as councilmembers are known) Jo Ann Hardesty called the cops over an argument with a Lyft driver days before the city council...

Trump-loving grandma outs Portland 'bomber' — her own grandson

Shortly after midnight on Tuesday morning, videos captured the moment a makeshift bomb was thrown at the Portland federal courthouse during another night of violent protest. A Trump-loving, 69-year-old woman...

Portland protests have no goal except violence and anarchy

At the end of May, rioting and looting broke out in Portland, Ore., as it did in dozens of other American cities in response to the police-involved death of George...